Thursday, January 29, 2015

how to keep your blog updated

because i have not succeed in that!

i will admit life has gotten in my way of this writer's blog. and for that, i apologize. i have so much to share from the past several months. i have been writing and it is a shame that i have not shared that with you here. but alas, if you catch up on my writing, you will see why this thing called life has been just that crazy.

it is now the dead of winter. it is brutally cold. it is so bitter. you know the feeling of being chilled to the bone. even though it is cold and grey, there are things to delight in during winter. warm fires. hoodies. it is perfectly acceptable to stay in pajamas all day. snow [if that happens where you live]. the slow return of longer days. winter isn't all bad. lest we remember these cold days when we are on the other side of the coin in july...

and now, onto the updates. below are just some of my entries of the past few months. please visit each blog to read through all published posts.

welcome to ridiculous [WTR]: there are two [well three] main reasons i haven't been here.
  • the flu and you - i got the flu. and gave it to my husband. we then were laid out for a week. here are some things we experienced during our time with this unwanted guest.
  • rest sweet now, layla - our 12-year-old dog passed away. she had been a part of my life since she was eight-weeks old. this loss was almost unbearable.
  • i didn't write a specific blog about this, but shortly after layla passed away we got a puppy. she is the third reason it has been challenging to write as much as i'd like, but she is worth every second.
  • i have posted several "new" articles. please visit [or revisit] them. i will continue to slowly add more articles. 

additional works:
  • i have begun sharing my journey of life with epilepsy on wattpad. it a website and mobile app for writers of all levels to share their works. some works are published works, some are novels, some are memoirs, some are advice/"how-to". it is the opportunity to utilize a free platform to get your work out to millions of readers. yes, millions. feel free to check it out. i will also put this information under the additional works tab. 

happy reading...

Monday, October 6, 2014

welcome to october!

happy fall y'all!
there may not be much i enjoy more than a crisp autumn day. well, that isn't entirely true, but it is very high on the list of favorites. it has been quite a while since the last update, which means there is a lot to share. so let's get started!

welcome to ridiculous:
CRUSHED alive - it is extremely hard for me to summarize this post. this post touches on the life and characteristics of a child and how the world changes all of that; and not for the better.

the 2nd annual VOCV - my family took a wonderful vacation to rehoboth beach, delaware. this post highlights our trip together.

ray rice - this post really needs no introduction. i share with you my thoughts on the entire ray rice incident.

migraines - let's talk about the cycle of a migraine. well, at least my migraines.

hubpages: hubpages is filled with lots of new [old] articles. go and reread them as if it were the first time!

blogher: i occasionally add posts to blogher as well. however, most of what i post there, you will be able to find in another place. by using blogher i am simply allowing for more exposure of my writing to others! 

and of course, you can access each site/blog individually through the tabs at the top. happy reading!


Monday, September 8, 2014

going live!

happy monday!!

and welcome. i have been trying to figure out a way to "launch" this site to you all. it has been up and running for over a month now, but i have not shared it formally to you [my readers] as i have been tweaking it and adding to it. i also wanted to wait for a good time to share it with you [you know, to introduce a new blog post, for example].

as i put the finishing touches on a new post for welcome to ridiculous, i figured today was as good a day as any to introduce this site [am i right?]. so let's get to it!

if you are familiar with my blogs and other writings, things will look similar - i have created this site as a central location for ALL of that stuff. i have a lot out there. it can be hard for me to keep up with! so, i streamlining it all [while creating an online portfolio], which would be beneficial to me and to my readers.

there are tabs at the top to link you to my blogs and other writing sites. so, take a look around to familiarize yourself with everything. this site will be updated with the latest works [blogs, articles, etc]. please check here if you are ever in need of some new writing from kendra :)

also, reference my first post, for more details. and as always, contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

today's works:

welcome to ridiculous - what makes us southern: i found an article in our state about all things southern that just struck a cord with me. so much, that i, of course, had to share it with you!

hubpages: i have published several "new" articles. most of you will have seen them before, but hey, it doesn't hurt to read it again ;)

thanks for stopping by and i hope you all enjoy your day!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

hubpages and blackOUT

hello there! it has been a few weeks since i have shared an update with you. i hope you all had a wonderful labor day and enjoyed the "unofficial" end to summer. what did you do for the long weekend - beach trip? pool days? mountain adventure? staycation? it is still very warm where i live, so i think we can squeeze a couple of more weeks out of summer. i'll try to hang on to long days, blue skies, and afternoon storms for just a little bit longer. but the changing of seasons is upon us, after all, football season has started.

today i have two works to share with you.

hubpages: i finally have my first article/story posted on hubpages! if you previously read any of my content on the yahoo! contributor network [Y!CN], you will see a great deal of repeating pieces. the reason for this is i wanted to transfer all of my work from the former Y!CN to a place where i would still be able to create content and expand on my portfolio. hubpages allows me to do that.

blackOUT - 9 months: i have gone nine months seizure free!! what an amazing and monumental milestone. my most recent post shares some of my thoughts about this achievement.

happy reading.


Friday, August 15, 2014

friday updates

hello and happy friday! i hope you all have had a wonderful week.where i live, the weather has been fantastic. if it's beautiful where you are, enjoy it! you never know when summer is going to turn her ugly head [it gets really hot and humid here. it's awful.]. i am definitely ready for fall. i love all things fall - pumpkin spiced lattes, football, hoodies, cool mornings, leaves changing. ahh, fall.

anywho, let's get back to why we're here. i have posted a few things this week. if you haven't seen them yet, please check them out!

welcome to ridiculous [WTR] - we need help: the amazing robin williams passed away this week. the world has had an overwhelming response to his death. we all are shocked and heartbroken. i really still lack the words to properly process this, but my post is my attempt. please be kind to one another. we are all we have.
i also shared this story on blogher

blackOUT [bOUT] - status quo: the brain of an epileptic enjoys the status quo, but what is that? what kind of status quo must a person with epilepsy maintain - or does it really matter? just some food for thought.

have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

blogher and etsy

i hope you are finding your way around this new site. i wanted to provide you some additional details about other things you may have noticed on this website.

blogher: i am a part of the blogher network. on the right side, you will notice a box that links you to my blogher profile. by clicking through this link, it shows the blogher network my individual activity to my profile. i am new to this network and most of what i will share will be closely related to my blackout blog.

etsy - buttered ham: i have a little etsy shop. if you have frequented welcome to ridiculous, you may have noticed this link. i chose to put a link on this website as well [lower right side], so that all of my readers, from all places, have access to it.

things will change weekly on here, so please visit often and check out all of the tabs at the top of the page. if you have any questions, please send me a message! i'd be happy to hear from you.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

updates from this week!

hello! i know this is all very new, but i have two updates for you. you can access the updates through this post or through the tabs at the top of the website. as i post more and as you learn my blogs and sites, i will eventually use abbreviations for each. i will include both for the time being.

welcome to ridiculous [WTR] - sugar water bath: i have a very silly hummingbird feeder story. without saying too much, i will say, it did not end well for me as i received a special bath treatment i had never received before.

blackOUT: my epileptic journey [bOUT] - life's little blessings: i share a sweet story regarding my struggles with not being allowed to drive. i offer a different perspective when it comes to having to wait in this busy world of hustle and bustle.

